Those Who Share a Roof Share Emotions

Four takeaways:

  1. It is scientifically proven that feelings are contagious– our moods affect the moods of those around us.
  2. One study of college students matched up depressed and nondepressed roommates, and found that on average, nondepressed roommates would soon start showing signs of depression– as early as five weeks after moving in.
  3. In cases where loved ones might be depressed or unhappy, we naturally want to help them weather the storm; Brooks offers tips for maintaining your own mental health while helping to bring happiness back to those around you:
    • Work on your own happiness first: you can’t help others to be happy when you yourself are miserable!
    • Do not take it personally: view a loved one’s unhappiness the way you would view a cold. Random & temporary. You are not to blame.
    • Use the element of surprise: spontaneity is your friend. Unhappy people will usually resist the feeling of being force-fed happiness.
    • Prevent the spread: control negative feeling by strategically avoiding the other person, and be conscious of your own mood when you speak with the other person.
  4. Unhappiness of those around us can indeed be contagious, but we don’t have to treat it like the pandemic. Unhappiness is inevitable, and when approached correctly can be an opportunity to “grow in love” for someone else.

From Arthur C. Brooks at The Atlantic:
Read the whole story.

Note: At the time of this posting The Atlantic offers five free article views per month.

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Scientists Identify the Minimum Weekly Exercise Needed to Reap the Benefits

Five takeaways:

  1. Research shows that every single system in the body benefits when you are more active. From sleep quality to daily energy levels to mood stability to memory strength, and so much more. Life is better lived actively.
  2. Exercise goals are important, but like all goals, they must be specific and practical.
  3. Remember that a brisk walk, at a pace of at least a 20-minute mile, provides health benefits similar to running, and probably more social benefits. Plus, your risk of injury is much lower.
  4. Expand your view of exercise: You don’t need to go to the gym to get moving! Go on walks with friends instead of meeting them for coffee. Park farther from the store or movie theater. Get your steps in however you can.
  5. Remember that setbacks happen: it is never easy to undertake a new challenge and the line to fitness is never going to be straight.

From Libby Richards at Inverse
Read the whole story.

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The One Parenting Decision that Really Matters

Five takeaways:

  1. This piece opens by citing a recent study that says that in the first year of a baby’s life, parents face 1,750 difficult decisions– and then applies data to the question: what is the most important decision a parent can make?
  2. There have been many debates over the factors that correlate most strongly with the success and stability of a child relating to almost every aspect of socioeconomic condition, family structure, domestic situation, and more.
  3. Citing data from economist Raj Chetty, this piece argues that the single most important factor in predicting a child’s success is where they grow up.
  4. Using anonymized IRS and Census Data, they found that three of the biggest predictors that a neighborhood will increase a child’s success are the percent of households in which there are two parents, the percent of residents who are college graduates, and the percent of residents who return their census forms.
  5. Basically, it is best to raise your kids in neighborhoods with many role models: adults who are smart, accomplished, engaged in their community, and committed to stable family lives.

From Seth Stevens-Davidowitz at The Atlantic:
Read the whole story.

Note: At the time of this posting The Atlantic offers five free article views per month.

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10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

Five takeaways:

  1. It began as a grassroots holiday– many towns had small yearly celebrations of the sacrifices of the nation’s veterans before the holiday was made official in 1868.
  2. The holiday was first celebrated after the Civil War, when it was called Decoration Day
  3. On Memorial Day in 1922, the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated– by Supreme Court Chief Justice and former president William Howard Taft
  4. In 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act shifted Memorial Day from May 30 to the last Monday in May.
  5. In 2000, Congress established a National Moment of Remembrance, which asks Americans to pause for one minute at 3 p.m. in an act of national unity.

From David Holzel at Mental Floss:
Read the whole story.

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