What Is the Ideal Retirement Age for Your Health?

Five takeaways:

  1. Several countries are considering raising their retirement age to offset the economic pressures of aging population. While a later retirement age may have clear overall economic benefits, the physical and mental implications of making such a drastic collective change must be considered.
  2. While life expectancies have gone up over the last hundred years, the type of work people are doing has also changed. In 2020, roughly 45 percent of the American labor force worked in a knowledge-based field, such as management, business and finance, education, and health care. In 1935, these types of professions accounted for just 6 percent of the workforce.
  3. Experts think that the collective rise of knowledge-based jobs makes a higher retirement age a bit more reasonable, as cognitive properties stay sharp into one’s 70s. Staying at work in some capacity has shown to have health benefits for people in their 70s as well, as long as the work is not physically laborious.
  4. This is not to say that a raised retirement age should be instituted across the board. Jobs that are more hands-on, active, and laborious, might in fact require a slightly younger retirement age. There is research that shows retirement around the mid-sixties from physically challenging work can lead to stronger cognitive output.
  5. Overall, the article shows that a single, uniform retirement age is always going to be imperfect. There are too many factors– the type of work, a worker’s ethnic background or socioeconomic status– to find a perfect number. On an individual level, we should take every step we can to ensure that our retirements are healthy, physically, mentally, and financially.

From Dana G. Smith at The New York Times:
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You Can’t Simply Decide to Be a Different Person

Five takeaways:

  1. For generations, the agreed-upon scientific understanding of human habit forming (for instance: becoming a habitual runner) was that it was all about attitude. If you wanted to be a runner badly enough, you would simply become one. New research says it is more complicated than that– that habit forming is affected “by some combination of heredity, culture, and environment.”
  2. That combination of heredity, culture, and environment is boiled down in the article to a phrase: “Trait self-control” – and everyone’s trait self-control is different. Someone who can wake up at 4:30am to run every morning has higher trait self-control and is not going to be as easily distracted by common factors, be they leisurely, work-related, or otherwise, that keep them from that habit.
  3. Research shows that forming new habits as an adult, while difficult, is possible– and very much a measure of altering life conditions to enable a habit to become second nature.
  4. Studies prove that people who live closer to gyms tend to work out more, just as people who live closer to good grocery stores tend to eat more vegetables. If you want to make a habit second nature, you should do as best you can to eliminate the conditions in your life that form barriers to performing that goal on a daily basis.
  5. Obviously eliminating certain conditions in one’s life is not an easy thing to do- this is why it is important to be realistic in forming new habits, and to be forgiving of yourself when the pickup is slower than desired. Those who demonize themselves for not picking up a habit are more likely to drop the pursuit entirely, whereas people who make slower, incremental progress are more likely to stick to habits until they are indeed second nature.

From Amanda Mull at The Atlantic:
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Note: At the time of this posting The Atlantic offers five free article views per month.

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The Procrastination Doom Loop– and How to Break It

Six takeaways:

  1. It is easy for productive people to confuse “reasonable delay” (“I’ll respond to this email when I have more time to write it”), which is reasonable and can be useful– vs actual procrastination (“I have time to do this but don’t feel like doing this right now.. I’ll do it later”) which can be an avoidable act of self-sabotage.
  2. New research on procrastination says that it happens for two basic reasons: 1) we delay action because we feel we are in the wrong mood to complete a task, and 2) We assume that that mood or condition will change in the near future. That a better, more fitting time to complete the task will soon arrive: “If I take a nap now, I’ll have more focus later.”
  3. This is where “The Procrastination Doom Loop” begins. Putting off an important task makes us feel anxious, guilty, and even ashamed. This anxiety, guilt, and shame make us less likely to have the emotional and cognitive energy to be productive. That makes us even less likely to begin the task, which in turn creates more guilt. The loop continues from there.
  4. One common procrastination cure is the use of deadlines, but studies show that self-imposed deadlines are incredibly weak barriers to procrastination and can only worsen the Doom Loop. Deadlines imposed by others (work, friends) are far more powerful.
  5. Procrastinators are more likely to complete a piece of work if they’re persuaded that it’s not actually work. In one study, students were asked to complete a puzzle, but first given a few minutes to play Tetris. To Group A, the researchers described the puzzle as a ‘cognitive evaluation.’ To Group B, they referred to the puzzle as a game. Procrastinators took far longer with their Tetris Games when the puzzle was referred to as an evaluation, rather than a game.
  6. See this graphic for a visual of the “Procrastination Doom Loop”:

From Derek Thompson at The Atlantic:
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Note: At the time of this posting The Atlantic offers five free article views per month.

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Happiness is a Warm Coffee

Five takeaways:

  1. When caffeine is ingested it takes on a naturally occurring chemical called adenosine, which is produced throughout the day to help you eventually relax– the body’s message that bedtime is approaching.
  2. Caffeine disrupts adenosine receptors, effectively pushing the adenosine out of its parking spot in the brain. The jittery feeling you get from drinking a lot of coffee is a measure of how much your adenosine supply is disrupted.
  3. Caffeine naturally makes you happy: study after study shows that intake of caffeine leads to a “significant increase in … happiness and calmness and decreases in tenseness.”
  4. When viewed collectively, the macro effect of caffeine consumption is a boon to humanity. Writer Michael Pollan argues in his book Caffeine: How Coffee and Tea Created the Modern World that caffeine’s arrival to Europe in the 17th century led to booms in productivity, safety, and innovation: that it accelerated the formation of the world we know today.
  5. While too much of anything is never a positive thing, studies have shown that habitual coffee consumption can reduce all-cause mortality. It can also help autophagy, the natural process of cleaning out cellular trash, and it has been linked to reduced levels of fatty acid in the blood of aged mice, which has been linked to diabetes and cancer in humans.

From Arthur C. Brooks at The Atlantic:
Read the whole story.

Note: At the time of this posting The Atlantic offers five free article views per month.

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