Five takeaways: Opening with the phenomenon of marathon runners who finish races on broken legs (which turns out to be more common than you might think), this article is about knowing when to quit! [...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before Retirement?
Five takeaways: This article explores both sides of this argument. It is always better to reduce expenses, McKenna notes, but there are times where it may not make as much sense to rush paying it of[...]
The Unexpected Power of Random Acts of Kindness
Five takeaways: New findings published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology in August 2022 show that random acts of kindness have an underestimated positive effect on both those who commit them[...]
Champagne, Explained: A Snobbery-Free Guide to the Best of Bubbly
Five takeaways: Let’s start with the basics: champagne is a sparkling wine that bears the name of the region it comes from- the Champagne region of northeastern France. Champagnes are general[...]