Six takeaways: Why do Leap Years occur? Mathematically, the exact length of a year is not 365 days on the dot, but 365.2422 days. That small extra 0.2422 days adds up over time… every four 0.242[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Here’s a Better Way to Make New Year’s Resolutions
Five takeaways: Studies show that only 16% of resolutions made are followed & implemented to completion. Here are some tips for setting New Years Resolutions more accessibly and realistically! Se[...]
How to Actually Relax on Vacation
Eight takeaways: Relaxing on vacation is easier said than done, and there is nothing more unfortunate than coming back from a holiday with the primary memory being how stressed you were throughout the[...]
Ways To Get Healthier In 2024 Without Trying Very Hard
Nine takeaways: Being healthier can often feel like an exhausting, endless burden– but we often forget the extraordinary power of small life changes to have gargantuan benefits. Here are nine accessib[...]