Takeaways: The human voice is the most useful sound on earth. Thus, it benefits us to leverage the power of our voices. Making our speech more effective is a buildable skill. To start, founder and spe[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
You Don’t Need to Be “the Boss” to Be a Leader
Three takeaways: Rising through the ranks in the professional world can too often be viewed through the prism of “years of experience” or earned credentials. This is a misconception. The best credenti[...]
Late for everything? Here are 7 tips to help you break the habit.
Seven takeaways: Chronic lateness can often be attributed to several factors. Outside of ADHD, there there are a handful of personality types more likely than others to be late, From the perfectionist[...]
The Difference Between Habits and Routines
Takeaways: The world presents a seemingly endless barrage of demands on your time & bandwidth, making the ability to harness our attention “the most important skill of the century” according to at[...]