Three takeaways: This article provides practical advice on turning a major disappointment or failure into a life-defining opportunity for personal growth. A first step is realizing that “rumin[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Hemingway, a Lost Suitcase, and the Recipe for Stupidity
Five takeaways: This article argues that the best intentions are no match for the havoc caused by stress, tiredness, and unusual circumstances– that poor decision making is often intimately related [...]
The Difference Between Hope and Optimism
Four takeaways: People tend to use hope and optimism as synonyms, but that isn’t accurate. A 2004 paper from The Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology determined that “hope focuses more directly[...]
Habits vs. Goals: A Look at the Benefits of a Systematic Approach to Life
Five takeaways: This article breaks down the important relationship between habits and goals. It is important to note “the problems with goals” – goals have definitive ends, they are oft[...]