Five takeaways: The self-help space has become a multibillion dollar, hugely crowded industry. Naturally, one must be intentional in selecting their sources of self-help information- or risk getting[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
The Only Career Advice You’ll Ever Need
Five takeaways: Often, when faced with a difficult problem, we struggle. Not because we can’t find the answer, but because we aren’t asking ourselves the right questions. When we find ou[...]
What My Harvard College Reunion Taught Me About Life
Five takeaways: The author begins the piece by reflecting on the graduation speech by Harvard’s president at her graduation from the university in 1988, noting regrettable truths (and subseque[...]
The Six Forces that Fuel Friendship
Six takeaways: Writer Julie Beck has conducted over 100 interviews on the topic of human friendship and has come away with these six keys to keeping friendships strong. Accumulation – The sim[...]