Four takeaways: One’s quality of life as they get older should be viewed through a holistic lens– happiness, health, and emotional wholeness. This article provides four habits that help us retai[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Six Ways to Admit You’re Wrong at Work
Six takeaways: Admitting you’re wrong and fessing up to your mistakes fosters open and honest communications, which allow trust to be built and respect to be warranted. Here are six steps to doing it [...]
How to Apologize Like a Pro
Five takeaways: Apologizing is not easy: a poorly executed apology can actually exacerbate an existing issue. Be ready to apologize in a way that is most likely to solve the problem you created. Apo[...]
Aristotle’s 10 Rules for a Good Life
Ten rules: Aristotle defined happiness as eudaemonia, which means “good spirit.” He posited that genuine happiness wasn’t so much about seeking it out, but rather drawing it to onese[...]