Five takeaways: From mindfulness seminars to massage classes to sleep apps, employee mental health services are a billion-dollar industry. But a recent study of over 46k workers suggests these service[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
The One Big Thing You Can Do For Your Kids
Three takeaways: Surveys of parents consistently show that the top two desires of parents is that their kids grow up to be a) good people and b) happy people. The concern is: what is the best way for [...]
The Happy Way to Drop Your Grievances
Four takeaways: Research shows that constant complaining can have an incredibly negative effect on one’s mood, even in moments when they are not confronted with something to complain about. Research a[...]
How Happy Couples Argue
Three takeaways: Thompson asserts that happy couples are do not live argument-free lives. They are simply more effective at controlling the scope of their disagreements. Research suggests that many ha[...]