Takeaways: It is natural to fear disappointment, and to look at it as something to be defeated when it does rear its ugly head. It can make us feel powerless, which we are naturally inclined to find m[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
It’s Called a Premortem—and It’s the Most Productive Thing You’ll Do All Year
Takeaways: Entrepreneur Ron Schaich has embraced a unique approach to goal setting at the start of the year: the “Premortem.” This method involves imagining himself on his deathbed, reflecting on what[...]
Already Abandon Your Resolutions? You Probably Set the Wrong Ones Anyway
Takeaways: Our New Year’s resolutions often focus on personal goals like improving fitness or achieving career milestones. However, a wealth of scientific research suggests we should take a diff[...]
8 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Screen Time
Eight takeaways: The average American spends over three hours daily on their phone, and Gallup polls reveal that most people feel they overuse their devices. Excessive screen time has been linked to v[...]