Eight takeaways: Our brains are wired to create habit loops– to make repeated tasks or decisions automatic– because they make our lives easier. But as we mature, the brain begins to take longer to mak[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Why You Might Want to Toss Out Your Trophies
Three takeaways: The author shares the story of a friend, a major CEO: despite past successes, his recent career struggles have led him to consider removing the trophies of past successes from his o[...]
Harness the Power of Suggestion for Your Happiness
Three takeaways: While the placebo effect in medicine has been proven to be a falsity, the strategic use of placebos in life might be an indispensable tool for your own wellbeing. You can apply R[...]
Three Paths Toward the Meaning of Life
Three takeaways: Psychologists have shown in experiments that having a clear sense of your “true self” or “essence” strongly predicts a feeling of meaning in life than it does a positive[...]