Three takeaways: Thompson asserts that happy couples are do not live argument-free lives. They are simply more effective at controlling the scope of their disagreements. Research suggests that many ha[...]
Friday Coffee with MAP
Battling our Inner Critic: Strategies for Unwavering Self-Confidence
Four takeaways: Our inner critic exists as a type of guardian against perceived potential harm or embarrassment or failure, and it is often rooted in past experiences or self-doubt. Understanding this[...]
Overwhelmed? Just Say No: The science of how to stop saying yes to everything—and be happier
Three takeaways: Psychologists have shown that the feeling of being harried and having insufficient time because of busyness is linked to less happiness. The strategic use of no can truly change your [...]
Five Teachings of the Dalai Lama I Try to Live By
Five takeaways: The world’s problems are many, and it is natural to powerless in the face of all this negative news. But to disengage from the world’s problems only perpetuates the cycle of inaction, [...]